Very easy race or relay race suggested by ‘Physical education in primary school 2023’ (@2023 التربية البدنية في الابتدائي).
Each team or individual has a line of cones spaced out in front of them. Each player then has to run down the line of cones knocking them over. Once they knock the last cone over they have to run back to the start and then run back along the line cones resetting them and putting the cones back up.
If you are playing this as relay, you can either have each player knock over and reset in turn, or players taking turns in knocking over and resetting. That is once the first player has knocked over their line of cones, they run back and the next team member then has to run and reset them all before running back to let the next team member knock them over, etc.
There is a knack to this… players who are too energetic in knocking over their cones are likely to find they take longer to recover and reset them 🙂 It’s also possibly a game for anybody needing to let off some destructive energy.