“Fun and Games” was established in 2000, for anybody looking for ideas, games and things to do for children, youth, parties and events. The site originally just specialised in the traditional and contemporary group or playground games played by children, youth and adults, but has broadened to include interesting uses of technology in games. The old site is still in the process of being transferred as each game and activity (and there were hundreds of them) needs to be written as an individual blog post to take advantage of the categorisation and tagging for ease searching.
Kit has worked with youth in both voluntary and paid sectors for over 30 years (he tells his son he’s 150 🙂 ), starting when he was 15 and helping out with a summer scheme at a local church who were looking for help. As his parents put it, he was never seen again… at least that summer. Much of his youth work has been voluntary and has included running children’s projects at university, and running for many years the youth group at his home church.
Kit now splits his time between mainly looking after his own family and working as a Learning Technology Fellow at the UCL Knowledge Lab for the UCL Institute of Education. He’s also a Learning Technology consultant (Learning Technologies Zone) and also been known to do professional photography (Kit Logan Photography).
Jan 2016 – A major site crash forced the old site down. Games and activities held on the original collection are still in the process of being uploaded.
I have come across your website today, 3-5-2016. So sorry it crashed and I am looking forward to you getting all the posts into the new site.
Thanks for our perseverence.
Do you have the answers to your super underground stations quiz, I’m not sure about Women’s Lib ends here, channel crossing for many
Hi Rosie,
Apologies not been keeping an eye on the site for a while. Holidays and my two little one’s have been keeping me way too busy!
I’ll repost the quiz on the new site, but for those it’s:
Women’s Lib : Holloway.
Channel Crossing for many: Turnham Green
Your site is very nice, I like it. I want to talk to you about a subject. What is your email address?
Happy to chat about anything reasonable. Just leave it as a comment 🙂
Can’t find Sock Puppet Charades. All stores seem to be out.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Never heard of the game until you mentioned it. The game was produced by ‘Marbles: The Brain Store’, which no longer lists it and also appears to be in the process of closing down, judging by the big ‘closing sale’ notices posted on its site. If you want an original version of the game I’d be inclined to put on an eBay search ‘watch’ list and see if anything comes up. However, the game is described as charades using sock puppets with some props the sock puppets can pick up and use as well (the sock puppets had a couple of holes you can put your thumb and little finger through to act as arms. It doesn’t sound that hard to make a couple of sock puppets yourself, find some props and also to create a list of words. If anything the hardest part is not the materials, but generating a list of words you could reasonably act out using a sock puppet and props. However, emotions like sad, happy, angry, love, joy, etc or actions like run, skip, cook, play. Need to think of age of players and limitations of sock puppets (eg not able to portray facial emotions).
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