This is name of a game show aired on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Home Service between 1966 and 1968 and then as a TV programme (1,2). It’s a word …
Do you have a game or activity you would like to suggest is added to Fun and ? Fun and Games has always been a repository of games, mainly …
Came across this game being played at the Festival of Neolithic Ideas at Stonehenge, run in November (2023) by English Heritage in conjunction with the University of Cambridge. So all …
Equipment: Balloon or large ball (soft or hard) for each person. Small tennis size balls might work depending on how comfortable players are in being cosy/close to the other players. …
More a series of posts about my personal journey with EVE Online. A massive multiplayer online game of space exploration, commerce, industry, combat and/or piracy amongst some of the more …
Created by Zane Gardner Originally called Relayball it’s a game created by Zane that encourages ball passing. So good for things like basketball and netball, but with adaptation could be …
Simple game! Divide into 4 teams and send each team into a corner. The object of the game is to see which team can get to the opposite (diagonal) corner …
Best with 2 teams although can be played using 4. Teams line up, single file, equal distances from the leader who stands arms outstretched towards the teams. When told to …
Aka: Chair Challenge A number of chairs, hoops, drawn circles, etc next to each other to represent a line of stepping stones (doesn’t have to be in line). Have at …
Updated 20 July, 2021 Games are fun. Wacky Wizards is a game on Robloxs. I find it fun and I am not the only one. 41.9 million have played it …