Home Age - Adult Dodgeball ‘Run the Gauntlet’
Pictorial representation of the game Dodgeball Run the Gauntlet. Two lines of players throwing a ball to try and tag a player who is running between them to collect a cone and bring it back to their team.

AKA “Bombing! (Bombardeio!)”

Spotted being promoted by @educacaofisica.napratica with the name ‘Bombardeio!’

Team game. The main objective of which is for individuals in one team to take turns running between two lines of ball throwers (the gauntlet) to grab a cone or other object and return with it. Team collecting the most cones/items wins. Any player tagged by the ball is out and loses the cone.

You’ll need a relatively wide playing area for this one like a basketball court or badmington or tennis courts without the nets. Along both the long edges of the court set out cones or some other way to demark the lines that the throwing team have to stand behind to throw the ball from. At one end of the court set out a number of cones or beanbags on a chair to act as tokens to collect. Whatever you use needs to be one or more per player in a team and something easy to grab as players who are running won’t have time to concentrate on grabbing a token. The running team stand at the other end of the court and take turns to ‘run the gauntlet’ of running down the court to grab a token and return without being tagged by the ball. The opposing team/players have to stop those running by throwing the ball so it hits/tags the player running with a ball below the waist (dodgeball style).

There are a number of play variations.

Have a set time for a team to retrieve as many tokens as possible in that time. Runners who are tagged by a ball have to return back to their team before another team member can attempt to collect a token.

Players who are running and tagged have to return immediately to their team before the next team member can run.

When all players have run on the team, count the number of tokens retrieved and swap over. The team with the most tokens wins.

As only one team is running at a time, you could play this with multiple teams – such that those teams not running work together to throw the ball. And of course, if you want to make this harder, have more than one ball being thrown.

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