This appears to be a favourite at KS2 sports days, at least at one of our local primary schools in the UK. Equipment It’s a team game, with the aim …
Spotted being promoted by SPORTbible Australia. This is a simple but effective ball-throwing circle challenge, where the focus is on paying attention to who catches the ball. Equipment: Football (soccer) …
This probably has other names so let us know if you know it by something else, but we couldn’t help thinking of the song “The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac while …
Equipment: Balloon or large ball (soft or hard) for each person. Small tennis size balls might work depending on how comfortable players are in being cosy/close to the other players. …
Created by Zane Gardner Originally called Relayball it’s a game created by Zane that encourages ball passing. So good for things like basketball and netball, but with adaptation could be …
From experience we know how much children like building marble runs from the specialist sets you can get. BUT you don’t actually need the specialist sets to create a run. …
Submitted by Joan Esser Preparation: Take a 5 foot (1.5m) closet pole / wooden pole. Drill holes all the way through at either end to be able to pass some …
Relay Race You need:– ball for each team Teams line up with about 2m between each player and with the first player a little distance back from the line, as …
Relay Race You need:– Football or small ball for each team Simple race. Basically a race of ‘put’ and ‘retrieve’. First member of the team takes the ball, runs to …
Relay Race You need:Ball or balloon for each team Teams form a line one behind each other facing forward at one end of the hall. The objective is to get …