aka “Streets and Lanes” This does need a large number of players. E.g. school groups or similar sized parties. It is also good for helping develop group co-ordination. However, be …
Variation of Bulldogs. Two areas either side of the hall or pitch become the banks of the river (safe area), the space in between is the river. One or two …
Variation of Bulldogs. Set up as in Bulldogs with all players standing at one end of the playing area. Depending on the size of the playing area and number playing, …
Use a large pitch or hall for this game, to allow players plenty of room for manoeuvrability. Home ground is both ends of the pitch/playing area. At the start, all …
aka: Scarecrow Tig One or more players are chosen as catchers depending on the number playing. There is no ‘home’ or safe base. Choose when you play whether Players when …
Play as in ‘Stuck in the Mud‘, with one or two players being nominated to capture the others. Once a player is caught they have to go to the shallow …
This can be done with real eggs or something less breakable if preferred as doing this with eggs is likely to get a bit messy. Also needs a good amount …
Relay Race You need:– ball for each team Teams line up with about 2m between each player and with the first player a little distance back from the line, as …
You will need:– Parachute (play or otherwise) Works best with larger parachutes. One player volunteers to be the ‘cat’ on top of the parachute, another player volunteers to be the …
You will need: A supply of balloons A chair Players are each given a number and stand in a circle around a chair. One player stands on the chair and …