Sent in by Kristi-Anna and Mike moderators of the Youthworkers email list. A variation on ‘Tierce‘. Everybody partners up and as a pair face each other and link both hands …
Suggested by Peter Provost Children pair up with each other, link arms and scatter in their pairs around a playing field/area. One or two are picked to be chasers and …
Get players to partner up. Players try and swim in pairs with one half doing the arm movements while the other half of the pair holds onto their partner and …
How good is your sense of direction with your eyes closed? Get into pairs and face each other both hands palm to palm with your partner’s a little above shoulder …
Can easily just try this with two people, but gets more fun with more in each group. The aim is to form a crocodile of people, although ‘centipede’ would be …
Players partner up and stand creating two concentric circles so that one stands on the inner circle facing clockwise while the other one stands in the outer circle facing anti-clockwise. …
Sent in by Pamela Joseph We tried this game at a baby shower and it was great fun!”“Its funny because there are six or more ‘babies’ making noises and the …
Similar to the game Ladders, but needs a bit (or a lot!) of preparation in advance depending on how good you are at creating stories. The game needs a fair …
Old favourite at Youth Club. Needs a fair amount of space and as there is a risk (depending on skilful the players are) of accidentally treading on legs of somebody …
“This game is still favourite in our mixed teen woodcraft folk group. It’s not as tasteless as it sounds [Editor: it was orignally titled “Grope”] but it does involve contact …