Home Age - Older Children The icecream run relay

The icecream run relay

by Kit
Published: Updated: 114 views
Two parrallel lines of cones with a couple of cones between the lines at the end.

A relay race requiring speed, agility, hand-eye coordination and balance, suggested by @egitsel_besyocu. Let us know if you know this relay race by another name 🙂

Equipment wise, you need a number of marker cones for each team. You should have at least the same number of cones as players in each team, but it’s okay to have few more. It just means some team members will be running more often.

Suggested size of ball to inverted cone.

Each team also needs a small cone and ball big enough to sit balanced in the cup of the cone when it’s held inverted (upside down). The fit needs to be such that the ball remains easily balanced in the inverted cone, but not so small it sits so well inside that there is no skill in keeping it balanced. You could if wanted create some small cones out of cardboard and balance some tennis balls in them. Or if you are lucky enough to have some smallish cones and it’s difficult to find a ball the right size, you could consider making some balls out of old newspaper, or similar, scrunched up and bound in sellotape.

You also need an end point that teams deliver their cones to. Some cones have a hole in the top into which a small inverted cone can fit. Or you could just have buckets or something appropriate. Some oversized icecream cone stands??

Set out the course with a line of cones spaced out for each team. Cones need to have enough space between them for players to run between. Have at the end of each line or placed in the middle of two lines the receiving cones or containers.

The first team player races holding the cone and ball to the first marker cone, runs around it and then back to their team and hands the cone and ball baton to the next player without dropping the ball. The second team member then repeats this, but runs around the second marker cone. Third team member runs around the third marker and so on, until the last marker. For the last marker, the player must do a complete circuit around the cone and then put their baton in the receiving cone/container.

You decide whether if at any point a player drops their ball, that they either just pick it up, replace it and then continue or they pick it up return to the start and start their run again.

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