AKA “Bombing! (Bombardeio!)” Spotted being promoted by @educacaofisica.napratica with the name ‘Bombardeio!’ Team game. The main objective of which is for individuals in one team to take turns running between …
Use a large pitch or hall for this game, to allow players plenty of room for manoeuvrability. Home ground is both ends of the pitch/playing area. At the start, all …
Give each team the pieces to a simple unassembled jigsaw (e.g. no more than 50 pieces). One jigsaw for each team. Each team member then has to take a piece …
Relay Race You need:– ball for each team Teams line up with about 2m between each player and with the first player a little distance back from the line, as …
A lively game that requires a leader to manage play. Each player thinks up the name of a town, city or village which they keep for the duration of the …
Sent in by Elise Hammond “Here is a game that we play a lot. It’s great for inside areas such as a gym” Elise Hammond You will need:1 chair for …
You will need: 2 or 3 lengths of string or rope, 4 or more wet cloths any sort of low (1m?) screen which the leader can duck down and hide …
Sent in by Katelyn Polumbo You will need:Chairs or some sort of seats/stools Arrange the seats in a big circle with players facing inwards. Everyone apart from one player sits …
With any wide game always bear in mind rules for keeping safe Equipment: Life-bands or life tokens A number of tokens marked either Elf, Wizard or Giant Play: Split the …
With any wide game always bear in mind rules for keeping safe Equipment: Life bands or other token (e.g. potato see Fools Gold) Play: Establish 3 bases some distance from …