This appears to be a favourite at KS2 sports days, at least at one of our local primary schools in the UK. Equipment It’s a team game, with the aim …
This can be done with real eggs or something less breakable if preferred as doing this with eggs is likely to get a bit messy. Also needs a good amount …
Arrange all participants in a circle with the thrower in the middle. Throw the ball to each player in turn with instruction to either catch the ball or head it …
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 teams each with a ball. Teams stand in two lines so that opposing …
Sent in by Kakikuchi [Ed: the original suggestion sent in included those on the trampoline using bats to defend themselves from the balls being thrown at them, but the game …
Sent in by Mellisa Hoyt Use an easy to catch ball. Best played with groups of 5 or more people. Before the start of each round choose a subject such …
Sent in by “Scby7593” Use a Hackey Sack (Juggling ball / Small bean bag) as a ball. Scatter everybody around the room and start throwing the beanbag. Staying quiet thougout, …
Tends to be used as a drama warm-up game. Can use any size or type of ball so long as it can be caught. Players stand in a circle. First …
Equipment Medium or large ball. Skittle, cone or stump to act as the target Chalk or rope to mark out the areas around the target. Mark two large concentric circles …
Named from the shape formed by the players. 2 teams of equal numbers. One team stands in a circle surrounding a central thrower (the head). The other team line up …