Home Age - Adult Sardines


by Kit
Published: Updated: 610 views
Sent in by Kelly Stringer, 1st Paulton Guides, Somerset, UK 

Relay Race

You need:
– Gaffer tape (or other wide strong tape, eg parcel tape),
– Plate for each team
– Tins of sardines for each team

Team members are led to the floor arms by sides legs together and then gaffered up (bound around the waist with arms taped to sides, around ankles, calves and knees). 

The tin of sardines is opened and placed on the plate at the other end of the room. Team members must work together to clear the plate, but work in relay to reach the plate…. by humping across the floor like a seal to get to the plate and eat (or not eat (always have this option!)) what they can and return to their team at the other end to release another seal to eat (or not) some more sardines. Continue until every team member has been up at least once, and the plate of sardines is clear. 

If nobody likes sardines, substitute something else…. like baked beans or doughnut bites.

N.B. This is one of those games which is not to every parent’s taste, so be warned. It may be better to explain the game first then ask for volunteers. Make sure all players are happy to play the game. Other caveats are possibly only playing this with older youth (who appreciate this type of game) and getting team members to tape themselves up (one member staying free).

“The only problem we found was 1 person on our team of 8 liked sardines, and had to eat them all, but we had to go up and back just because. We ended up changing it to a shallow bowl of water with some apples, or a plate of baby food, apple sauce, donuts well anything really, but i don’t think you can get away with taping their legs and arms up anymore.”


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