Home Age - Adult Poor Pussy!

Poor Pussy!

by Kit
Published: Updated: 8.6K views

Simple but fun group game, good for parties as well. The object of the game is too make people laugh and for them to try and not to laugh.

Everybody sits in a circle with one person nominated to be the ‘cat’, who starts in the middle. The cat then has to walk around on hands and knees, meowing, purring and generally behaving as much like a cat as they can and in such a way to make those they approach laugh. Anybody they approach has to stroke their head or back and say without laughing (or even smiling if you wish!) “Poor, Pussy!”.  If they can do it with a straight face the cat moves onto another possible victim. If not they swap places and the person who laughed becomes the cat.

This game can get quite hilarious by the antics of some of the players and the desperation to not laugh. However, be aware some players find it very hard being the cat and to make others laugh so might be worth limiting the number of attempts before finding someone else to be in the middle.

See Honey do you love? me as an alternative.

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