Suggested by Sarah Jones, Southwell Baptist Church.
Good for a small group (8 – 12) in a small room. Divide into 2 teams with one person from each team volunteering to be goalie – they can swap around at any break in play. Note the role of goalies is to help their team score a goal not defend and stop goals. Goalies stand on a chair at each end of the room, holding a container, e.g. small nets, bowls, sieves, bags, boxes etc. Use a soft ball or beanbag that fits easily into your container.
Play as netball – no running with the ball, no contact. Play starts from the centre (leader throws the ball in) we say the ball must pass to 3 people before a goal can be scored. Goalie can move the “net” to catch the ball but the ball must be thrown, not placed in the net (you could mark a zone for scoring from). Rules can be adapted to suit the age/ability of the players.
[Ed: if you like this game you might also like ‘Captain Ball‘]