Home Age - Adult Flag Rugy / Flag Football (Soft tackles)

Flag Rugy / Flag Football (Soft tackles)

by Kit
Published: Updated: 478 views

Sent in by Lisa Wells

Considering the current discussion and recommendations in the UK to ban tacking in rugby for under 18’s at school (BBC Newsround (2016), Guardian (2016)). The question remains how would you tackle then? This is one way.

Play as American style football, or English rugby. Have two sets of coloured flags one colour for each team. Players on each team wear the flags hanging from their belts (or in some the flag can be easily grabbed and detached).

Players are tackled by having their flag removed. Those players who loose their flag have to leave the pitch and stand on the sidelines. Choose whether to play it so that players who are out either
– Don’t rejoin the game
– Rejoin the game whenever a try is scored or
– Rejoin after so many minutes of being out.

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