You will need: Parachute (play or otherwise) Small soft ball Place a light-weight football on the chute surface and experiment with moving it. What happens when you shake the parachute, …
Equipment: Small ball such as a tennis ball. Suggestion that you use a soft ball if playing indoors or with young children Cricket bat. Virtually no preparation is needed …
Sent in by Lisa Wells Considering the current discussion and recommendations in the UK to ban tacking in rugby for under 18’s at school (BBC Newsround (2016), Guardian (2016)). The …
Sent in by Michael Pacioni Similar to Dodge Ball, but placed here as it uses smaller balls. For 3 – 10 players and a number of small soft or bouncy …
Equipment: 2 base posts 1 large ball 1 rounders bat (baseball bats can be used, but rounders bats are better) Play: Place the base posts about 4m apart from each …
Cricket, but played by kicking a football. Divide into two equal(ish) teams one one fielding the other taking it in turn to bat. Set up two cricket stumps or cones …