Home Age - Adult Sumo Wrestling – Playscheme Style

Sumo Wrestling – Playscheme Style

by Kit
Published: Updated: 583 views

Large circle at least 4 metres in diameter marked out using chalk or rope.

An ideal game for those feeling active and need to lose some steam. Girls, as well as boys, like to play this so don’t be sexist! 🙂

Create a large circle at least 4 metres in diameter. Although it can be done with those playing but not competing that round creating the circle, it’s safer to have all those playing sitting away from the ring to avoid possible problems – such as competing players falling into them.

As in proper Sumo, the objective is either to get your opponent out of the ring or down on the ground, but there the similarity ends! Players must at all times keep their hands on their ankles and in this position try to win their bout by either outmanoeuvring or shoving their opponent out of the ring (no hands remember!).

Often found it best to ask who wants to have a go and letting them select from the remaining hands who they want to challenge. Each bout can be preceded by a certain amount of ‘invented’ ceremony. Such as players bowing to each other, from the waist, with palms pressed together with a fictitious greeting like “Hock-a cha”.

You may also want to get everybody at the start or at the end to try the ‘Honour of Siam’ gag… possibly the winners?!!

See Cockerel Fighting for a different version.

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