Home Age - Adult Sock Wrestling

Sock Wrestling

by Kit
Published: Updated: 5.8K views

Create a ring by either drawing a large circle or square on the ground using chalk or if you want (as we some) by putting several gym mats together.

This game does require socks. So it might be useful to have some clean socks around for anybody not wearing any.

Everybody takes their shoes off and sits around the ring. The idea of the game is for players to remove a sock from their opponent/s.

This game can be played ‘one on one’ but we play it (as suggested) with 4 or 5 players in the ring at the same time at the start. There are no rules except to get a sock off other players and avoid hurting each other in the process. Players who lose a sock have to leave the ring.

Oh and don’t think this game is just for boys, girls enjoy this game just as much as the boys!

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Harry 14 August 2021 - 08:22

What kind of socks to use for sock wrestling

Kit 14 August 2021 - 10:30

‘Any’ Whatever they happen to be wearing at the time. Although worth having some spare socks around for any who might not be wearing any and want to take part.


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