Home Academic Please help stop the UK Schools Bill.

Please help stop the UK Schools Bill.

by Kit
Published: Updated: 1.6K views

If you are UK resident, please sign to stop the Schools Bill. From personal experience, it is totally the wrong approach which will affect many families who are needing help. Forcing children to try and attend school when they have legitimate anxiety and other reasons such as SEN for being able get into school only severely adversely affects their mental health and that of their family. I know I’ve been there. This is on top of a waiting list of 2 or more years before they can be seen by any specialist and assessed for any SEN needs.
The Conservative government’s approach is wrong and will adversely affect many who need help.

Quite honestly if the government actually cared they would invest in improving accessibility to assessment and help. That’s not going to happen overnight. But measures to put pressure on school attendance serves no purpose except a massive increase in mental health problems among the vulnerable and those with SEN.


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