Home Age - Adult Lap Game

Lap Game

by Kit
Published: Updated: 11.3K views

Good game for finding things out about others…. and a useful game to have up your sleeve for big parties.

Create a circle of chairs facing inwards so that everybody playing has a seat to themselves. There is no limit to numbers, but it is better to play this with larger numbers (eg 20+) than smaller. Ask players to remember the chair they are in as the object of the game is to move around the circle of chairs and get back to their own chair.

One person is the ‘Caller’ (most usually yourself or the person in charge) and they call out various things that could apply to other people and with it a number of places e.g. “If you are wearing white socks, move 2 places”, “If your birthday is in January, move 1 space”, etc. If the fact applies to a player they get up move that number of places to their left (clockwise), sitting on the chair or lap of the person or person’s already there (The number of players sitting on each other’s laps can get quite a lot!). Younger children playing are allowed to adjust their position so they are on top of the pile and not getting squashed.

If you want you can also play it so that certain facts are ‘negative’ and players have to go back a number of places e.g., “If you didn’t brush your teeth this morning, move two places to your right”

For a more exhausting version based on this game see Ball Run

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