You will need: A variety of edible items blindfold/s for those doing the tasting A useful game/activity where players concentrate on their sense of taste and smell. Players are blindfolded …
Valentines Day
A good one for Valentine parties (or any other time for that matter!) You will need:Chair or stool for every couple playing, plus extra chair This game ‘needs’ an odd …
What you need:– Random variety of miscellaneous items… boxes, containers, household items, clothing, sports equipment, etc. you choose 🙂– Some imagination Some might say this is not a game for …
Good game for finding things out about others…. and a useful game to have up your sleeve for big parties. Create a circle of chairs facing inwards so that everybody …
Sent in by Julie Kemp-Harper, Oxford Vineyard Church You’ll need:Blindfolds, a belt or rope, Good for a large number of players, around 15-25. Best with youth (especially if you want …
Players partner up and stand creating two concentric circles so that one stands on the inner circle facing clockwise while the other one stands in the outer circle facing anti-clockwise. …
Sent in by Kristi-Anna and Mike. “We’ve discovered that this game is better when played by older children (12 + years) who like the tactical challenge and quick thinking (literally …
Equipment: Two sets of different coloured balloons (Around 25 to 50 of each for two teams of play.) Form two teams of elves. Each team must defend its treasure (a …
Fun, physical, energetic, tactical One of those games which is now one of those I keep ‘up my sleeve’ for when I need something for older children (eg 7 years …