Spotted being promoted by SPORTbible Australia.
This is a simple but effective ball-throwing circle challenge, where the focus is on paying attention to who catches the ball.
Equipment: Football (soccer) or equivalent size ball. Could also use any other object suitable for throwing and catching, eg a bean bag or hacky sack, etc. Just bear in mind the age of your players. Remember the point of this game is not on being able to catch the ball.
Players stand in a circle small enough for them to easily throw a ball between them. One player throws the ball to any other player in the circle. The player who catches must remain standing, but the players immediately either side of them have to immediately squat. Sounds simple on paper, but apparently not so easy to play 🙂 A player is eliminated if they forget to squat or squat when they didn’t have to (eg if they catch the ball and also squat).