Home Activity Elves, Wizards, Giants

Elves, Wizards, Giants

by Kit
Published: Updated: 1.9K views

Elves, Wizards, Giants is a team version of the traditional game of `Scissors-Paper-Stone’, but uses funnier actions and noises which each team has to act out making it ideal for children to play. Each character (Elf, Wizard, Giant) has a specific action or noise.

Elf: Squatting down and imitate pointed ears by holding two fingers up by your ears (similar to making bunny ears). Make “Eeeking” noises while doing this.

Giant: Standing on tip toe, arms raised in frightening posture making growling / roaring sounds

Wizard: Standing normally but with arms outstretched as if casting a spell. Make any appropriate spell casting noises.

As with Scissors-Paper-Stone each character/icon can win against one character or loose against the other. In this case if wanted teams can make the appropriate actions for winning or loosing.

Winning team: Actions:
Elves shoot Wizards: Elves win Elves pretend to shoot an arrow, Wizards make dramatic gestures as though struck in the heart.
Wizards frazzle Giants: Wizards win Giants pretend to shrink.
Giants squash Elves: Giants win Giants pretend they are squishing something small.

Each team finds a quiet corner and decides on a character to be as a team without the other team seeing their choice. After choosing their character each team comes to the center of the room and stands facing each other in a line, with hands behind their backs. On the count of three everybody in each team acts out the character their team has chosen for that round, with the points going to the team that chooses the winning character. If both teams pick the same character there is a draw.

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