Home Age - Adult Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag

by Kit
Published: Updated: 696 views

You can be playing this for hours or minutes, you never know!” Submitted by Rachel W.

Divide into two teams and mark the middle of the playing area using a rope or chalk to mark the boundary between the two teams areas. Each team then hides a flag or handkerchief in their half of the playing area. The object is for each team to find/get the other teams flag without getting caught. A player can be caught when they are in the opposing teams area and are tagged by a member of that team. If a player is caught they are sent to a jail on the opposing teams side and are out of the game, unless they are released by a team member who has not been caught. The team that finds the other teams’ flag first wins.

If playing in a large hall or gym, have a circle with few cones at the back of each teams territory in which to put to the flag

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