With thanks to #Minimantaray who reports this as a quite popular game played at a primary school in Reading. Berkshire. It is another version of tag and a great game…
Popular at a local junior school (KS1-KS2) and played as one of their physical education games. Everybody starts out as a tagger (or ‘It’), but that means you need to…
Effectively a swimming pool version of tag or ‘it’ One or two people become sharks with the objective of catching the other players who are in the water. Players are…
aka ‘Witches Glue Pot’ Play as with dodge ball, but instead of sitting out to the side players have to sit down where they were standing when they were tagged…
A dodgeball variant. Use one or two large/ish (volleyball or football sized) balls. The softer the ball the slower it is and easier to dodge and better for young children,…
Players stand in a large circle. One player is ‘It’ and is free to move around in the centre of the circle. Players pass the ball either way around the…
Equipment: 2 coits (small rubber rings) or relay batons Preparation: Need a rectangular marked out area or tennis court. 2 teams / A cross between relay races and cycle pursuit…
Equipment: Small throw-able (hand sized) bean-bag or some other small unbreakable object. Divide into two teams of equal numbers. Place the bean-bag in the middle of the room, teams can…
You can be playing this for hours or minutes, you never know!” Submitted by Rachel W. Divide into two teams and mark the middle of the playing area using a…
Sent in by Ashley Hoover, Iowa, USA Need: Two chalk erasers or similar to act as relay batons Four cones used to mark the corners of a fairly large square…