This appears to be a favourite at KS2 sports days, at least at one of our local primary schools in the UK.
- Target receptacle for each team (eg a bucket)
- Lots of beanbags or balls (throwing/juggling type, ‘hacky sacks’) for each team.
It’s a team game, with the aim of each team trying to get as many beanbags into a target receptacle within a set period of time. Each team starts with a pile of beanbags beside them. Place the target a respectable distance away (how far is up to you to judge how likely the children are to succeed in hitting the target, but placing it closer, and getting more hits and more positive feelings, rather than further away is probably a better rule of thumb.
At the start of the whistle, the first person in each team throws a beanbag with the aim to try and get it into their team’s bucket. Once they’ve had their go, the next person takes their place. This continues with each team member having a go, until either another whistle to stop, or they’ve exhausted their supply of beanbags. Winning team is the one with the most beanbags in the bucket.