This one was spotted being explained by @beesplaybanjos and @chaoticdense.
Play this at night with a large number of players – the more the better. And the darker the surroundings the better. So it’s not a game for anybody who doesn’t like getting scared, particularly anybody anxious about the dark. Oh.. and don’t pressure anybody to do it – be aware of anybody who this might trigger.
Everybody, except one person who becomes ‘The Taker’, lines up behind each other and starts to walk around a defined area but keeping that line. Nobody is allowed to turn around or speak, except when the leader of the line calls “Roll Call”. When they do call “Role Call” they say their own name and then everybody down the line calls their name in turn.
While the line is moving around the area the job of The Taker is to remove the person from the end of the line as quietly and stealthily as possible. The Taker’s role is to instill a sense of fear as individuals are removed and for those in the line to realise names are no longer being called out.
Individuals who are taken can also become Takers and if wanted the Taker can replace the person they removed from the line, but they always remain silent even during Role Call.
The game finishes when the person leading the line is taken.