Home Age - Adult Empires


by Kit
Published: Updated: 1.1K views

Credited to Julie Kemp-Harper, Oxford Vineyard Church

Numbers: 10-20 (can go higher if you dare)
Time: 15-30 mins
Tools: Paper and pens

Great non-threatening game that includes everyone and is simple to prepare and play.

  • The organiser gives out to every player a slip of paper and something to write with.
  • The group as a whole picks a topic. Good ones to start with are ‘famous people’ or ‘animals’. Random topics can also work.
  • Each person (including the organiser) thinks of on an item in that topic to be. For instance, if the group decided to do ‘animals’, each player would think of an animal and secretly write the name of it on the piece of paper so nobody else sees it. Players fold their pieces of paper and hand them to the organiser.
  • The organiser quickly puts these into a pile and reads out the names written on each piece. This is done twice. Players need to remember as many as possible. Once the organiser has read out loud all the bits of paper twice, they put them out of sight.

Explain the rules of Empires. They are:

One player starts and selecting a name that was read out can ask anyone in the room if they wrote it (eg: “John were you the Hedgehog?”). If that person was not then the turn passes to them. They then ask anyone in the room if they are something from the list.

However, if a player guesses right then they become a ‘King/Queen’ with the person who was guessed correct becoming a ‘subject’ who then goes and sits with the King/Queen who guessed right and becomes a subject of their ’empire’. The King/Queen gets another go and can consult with their subjects, but has to be the spokesperson. In this way small empires build around the room.

If a player guesses the King/Queen of an empire then they win that whole Empire and the King/Queen is deposed and becomes a subject – so be prepared for some moving around the room. The winner is the person who ends up with everyone!

It does not matter if you end up with two or more of the same values, eg several players write ‘Hedgehog’. The group will just need to remember that there are more out there to guess.

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