You will need:
2 x dice
Paper and pencil
Dictionary for settling queries
For any number of players.
Write the following code on a piece of paper
2 = A
3 = E
4 = I
5 = O
6 = U
7 = D
8 = H
9 = N
10 = S
11 = T
12 = Y
B is a free letter and can be used without the dice. At beginning of a round choose how many letters are required to make up a word.
Throw the dice and try to make up a word to the required length using the letters in the code. Keep throwing the dice until a player has produced a word. First player to complete a word is the winner and throws the dice for the next round.
A possible game for when stuck-indoors and or over a teleconference as only one person needs the dice.