This is name of a game show aired on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Home Service between 1966 and 1968 and then as a TV programme (1,2). It’s a word …
Pencil and paper word activity. Particularly if you like anagrams. There is probably a more official name for this and it’s certainly the basis to the letter rounds in the …
A good pencil and paper word challenge. Players are given two words of the same length. It’s easier to use 3 or 4 letter words. The challenge is to transform …
Old paper and pencil game (or any writing surface) for two or more players. An early version mentioned in a children’s book of games in 1894. Although this didn’t use …
AKA: “Call My Bluff” Paper and pencil game that requires a bit of preparation beforehand. Divide into two teams. Each team goes through a dictionary and finds a few obscure …
Although a literary-sounding game, this certainly doesn’t require a first in English Literature. In fact, the scoring can work against those who might occasionally recognise the first line of a …
You will need:Small soft object, although a set of keys might work if players are okay with this. Players sit in a circle. One player walks around the inside of …