You’ll find lots of games with the same name, but rather different from each other. This Stepping Stones game, promoted on social media by Kev Weir (#just.playsports), is for any …
You will need:– a large jar– number of clothes pegs– Optional: a chair to stand on. Simple game of skill that also works well as a game or competition for …
This is a simple but very popular game of skill (and a bit of luck) that the children always ask to play at our parties, it also provides good photo …
You can adjust this game for any number of players, but ideally needs a minimum of two players with a third player assisting and adjudicating. Due to the nature of …
You will need: 1 die. Some items of clothing which you can quickly put on e.g. hat, gloves or oven gloves, scarf, etc. Bar of chocolate on a plate (leave …
You will need:A parachute that has a central hole Several small light balls (eg foam or tennis balls) If your canopy has a hole in the centre place 3 or …
Equipment: Small ball or bean-bag Draw or use rope to mark out a large circle. This is a Larger variation of ‘Piggy in the middle’ (game where one player …
Sent in by Russell Williamson (Dover, UK) Required: Basket Tennis ball/s Rope/String (optional) Mark out a length of ground or rope (upto 10 metres) with a basket at the end. …
Although typically played with metal or wooden balls this can be played with any ball… just bear in mind that boules when thrown are not expected to bounce when they …