This appears to be a favourite at KS2 sports days, at least at one of our local primary schools in the UK. Equipment It’s a team game, with the aim …
This is a relay race suggested by @bettii_brandner, which is good for warming up as it involves short sprints. Name given to it here is just to distinguish it from …
A relay race requiring speed, agility, hand-eye coordination and balance, suggested by @egitsel_besyocu. Let us know if you know this relay race by another name 🙂 Equipment wise, you need …
Very easy race or relay race suggested by ‘Physical education in primary school 2023’ (@2023 التربية البدنية في الابتدائي). Each team or individual has a line of cones spaced out …
Spotted being promoted by Juegos Educación Física (Physical Education Games) “Spectacular team relay competition that will require a high level of agility, strength and energy!” (Translated from the original :’¡Espectacular …
Shared by Marcos Renato Araujo (Instagram) Relay race. Needing an equal length of rope and an equal number of hula-hoops per team. Two people from each team stand holding …
[AKA Co-op Race / Corrida Cooperativa] Suggested on social media by Marcos Renato Araujo ( Simple relay race. Divide into equal-sized teams. Place a cone or something similar at the …
Have no idea who thought this one up, but it looks fun! Although it is meant to be a race between teams, it is quite possible to play it as …
(Also known as: Tic Tac Toe Rally) Equipment: Something to marking out on the floor (or an outdoor surface) a large 3×3 open grid (using two vertical and two horizontal …
Equipment: Balloon or large ball (soft or hard) for each person. Small tennis size balls might work depending on how comfortable players are in being cosy/close to the other players. …