AKA “Bombing! (Bombardeio!)” Spotted being promoted by @educacaofisica.napratica with the name ‘Bombardeio!’ Team game. The main objective of which is for individuals in one team to take turns running between …
Dodge Ball
It’s fantastic that we are coming across new games all the time. We’re not sure what name this dodgeball version being promoted by @moidavide6 had originally been given, but the …
Played: FISH Club, Ewell, Surrey Use a large enclosed space. Start with two or three throwers. Basic dodgeball rules in that players may move around anywhere within this space. Non-team …
Submitted by Victoria Crick. Played at Blenheim High School, Epsom Can be played as a team or non-team game and uses small foam balls. Object of the game is for …
Submitted by J. Hart Players again stand in a large circle with two people in the middle. One person in the middle is the President, the other is the Bodyguard. …
One team stand within a defined space/circle, the other team stand on the outside and have to knock out the team in the area by hitting them with the ball …
Divide into even teams (or evenly matched!). Each team standing in one half of a court. Teams then take it in turns to throw a soft ball at the other …
aka ‘Witches Glue Pot’ Play as with dodge ball, but instead of sitting out to the side players have to sit down where they were standing when they were tagged …
A simple dodge ball game designed to provoke discussion about being hostage. 1 player is the Captor and chooses 3 other players to become hostages. All other players get to …
Supplied by Rachel Gilchrist Use a beach ball. Everybody puts 1 hand behind them and use the free hand to hit the ball away from themselves and at other players. …