Personally feel whoever dreamt up the idea of turning the popular card game of UNO into one based on phonics had a total moment of genius. That effectively describes “Blah …
A card game similar to ‘Snap‘ which can sweep both adults and children along. It is extraordinarily silly, but great fun. Depending on the number of players use one or …
Children love playing this and often beat any adults when doing so. Typically it is played using special packs of matched pairs of cards which you can buy or if …
Sent in by Kathrin Logan Silly but fun game for any number of players of 3 or more, but best in small groups. This game can get extremely fast and …
Sent in by Debbie Reed, Elkhorn Valley Adventures, Bergholz, OH, U.S.A You will need: enough spoons for every person in your group but one, and 1 deck of cards (or …
One of those timeless card games you can play by yourself, particularly when looking for something to while away the hours such as long waits or journeys. If you have …
Sent in by Mellisa Bear Requires: Standard 52 deck of playing cards For 2 (or more) players, but best with 2. Shuffle and deal out all the cards in a …
Game for 4 people. This used to be played by the Prefects at Glyn , Surrey. Players pair up and work out a secret signal between them. Pairs sit facing …
Great way to introduce and experience inductive reasoning Game for three or more players. Many games call for deductive reasoning but Eleusis is exceptional because it gives players an opportunity …
This can get quite rough and boisterous, so clear the table of anything precious and use a pack of cards which you don’t mind getting damaged! Spread your oldest pack …