Not a quiet game… Play in pairs or as a team, one person chooses a non-sense word or sound and then tries to perform a song or nursery rhyme using …
Very old, traditional party game (in the UK) particularly for primary school-age children and almost always played to music. Player move around or dance on the spot if you have …
A cool version of Musical Chairs for older children and adults, which has been used as entertainment at one wedding reception at least. Play in a similar fashion as Musical …
A variation on the normal musical chairs, which adds a ‘collision’ element to it. Arrange the chairs so they are facing outward in two circles that are within 6 or …
Very old, traditional party game, certainly in the United Kingdom, and almost always played to Music. You’ll need something to play music out loud and you can easily pause the …
Everybody, except one person, takes a chair and sits on it anywhere they like in the room. The remaining person is given a set of keys to hold. They then …
At a given signal, players alternate from running on the spot very quickly to running around. Can be played to music with change in status happening to the music, eg …
Equipment: Hoops or chalked circles of various sizes scattered around the playing area. Players are told that these hoops or chalked circles are islands and they have to be standing …
AKA: Musical Crash or Clump Players mingle or dance around a space. Constantly moving until the leader shouts out a number. All players must then try to get into groups …
Classic, very simple, elimination, party game. Certainly familiar to many in the United Kingdom. Probably much more fun for younger children and encourages them to pay attention to an external …