I’ll just leave this here… A video compilation we came across on the LAD Bible page on Facebook of adapted and alternate use of equipment and items to produce games …
Adapted from a suggestion sent in by Craig Murray This task is aimed at breaking down barriers between younger people and pensioners and young people going into their ‘stretch zone’. …
Art idea supplied by Ewan McDougal When it comes time to redecorate your child’s bedroom they are bound to want to get involved and help, this is great it really …
Sent in by Ian Davidson The game is very similar to normal tag (or tick as it is called in Liverpool). One person is “on” and as in normal tag …
Play as normal Tag, but pairs of players hugging each other are safe.
Suggested by Peter Provost Children pair up with each other, link arms and scatter in their pairs around a playing field/area. One or two are picked to be chasers and …
This can only really be played in an area that provides lots of cover for players to hide. Players choose a suitable base as home. This can be something as …