Memory game of spellings set for Green level weeks 1-6 and their meanings. Can you match the words to their meanings? 21 words from the 60 spellings set in weeks …
memory game
Memory game of Spellings set for Green level week 4 and their meanings. Spellings: illegible illogical illiterate irrelevant irresponsible irresistible illuminate irrational irreparable irreplaceable
Memory game of Spellings set for Green level week 3 and their meanings. Spellings: immeasurable immovable impossible impatient important improper immaculate immaturity impartial implausible
Memory game of Spellings set for Green level week 2 and their meanings. Spellings: inaccurate indefinite incomplete infinite inedible indecisive indestructible inadequate incomprehensible inefficient
Memory game of Spellings set for Green level week 1 and their meanings. Spellings: daughter autumn clause astronaut applaud author distraught naughtiest aeronautical audience
Another for you Georgia. Find the word that matches the definition in this memory game.
9 October 2020 Something for you Georgia 🙂 A little memory game.