Sent in by Elise Hammond “Here is a game that we play a lot. It’s great for inside areas such as a gym” Elise Hammond You will need:1 chair for …
Sent in by Katelyn Polumbo You will need:Chairs or some sort of seats/stools Arrange the seats in a big circle with players facing inwards. Everyone apart from one player sits …
You will need: A supply of balloons A chair Players are each given a number and stand in a circle around a chair. One player stands on the chair and …
A variation on the normal musical chairs, which adds a ‘collision’ element to it. Arrange the chairs so they are facing outward in two circles that are within 6 or …
Everybody, except one person, takes a chair and sits on it anywhere they like in the room. The remaining person is given a set of keys to hold. They then …